I’m obsessed with community, scale and impact.

The reason you and I are here is simply this:

We want to change the world, in a good way, by helping people make positive changes in their lives.

That’s why we’re both therapists. It’s also why I teach hypnotherapy, am a hypnotherapy supervisor, run the Creating A Thriving Hypnotherapy Business podcast, set up the Facebook community, offer mentoring and why I run events. You could say I’m a bit obsessed ;-)

I have a finite amount of time and energy available to help people one to one. Even with a full practice for over a decade my impact is a drop in the ocean of what’s needed. That’s what first got me thinking about helping other hypnotherapists.

During clinical supervision

I was having lots of conversations about marketing, sales and other business challenges. Whilst clinical supervision can be about business, its focus is to support client work, but my supervisees often struggled to get clients. I wanted to find a way to help them be more successful in business.

However, the catalyst to starting on this wing-woman journey wasn’t either of those reasons…

It was watching brilliant hypnotherapists struggle to get going,

or give up because they couldn’t make the business side of their practice work. It genuinely broke my heart not to mention frustrated the heck out of me.  Success didn’t seem to be about who was the best hypnotherapist, it was about who was the best at marketing themselves and running their business.

That didn’t sit well with me; it seemed unfair to good hypnotherapists and the clients who need them.

I looked at what could be done to help more hypnotherapists have successful hypnotherapy businesses. My first idea was a program…that’s still just a mission statement.  The second idea was a book…that one got a bit further – it’s half written. I was frustrated with myself for not getting anything finished.

Then I realised what was stopping me; I struggled with the idea that I should know everything and have an infallible system that will guarantee your success. I’m just not guru material! However, when the idea for the podcast came to me, something changed. This was me gathering all the people, the skills and the expertise I know a hypnotherapist needs to build a thriving hypnotherapy business. Hence the podcast name!

And the rest is what you see on this website and it’s great to see you here.

Stay awesome and let’s go change the world.

 Much love

 Ali x